Duo Kairós
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Formed by Sara Congost and Berta Permanyer, Kairós Duet is an emerging duo formed by two classical guitarists from the Conservatory of the Liceu in Barcelona. His wide repertoire focuses on composers of different styles and eras, including works by Manuel de Falla, Isaac Albéniz, Béla Bartók, Egberto Gismonti, among others. Sara Congost, born in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, is currently studying the last course of classical guitar at the Conservatorio Superior del Liceu with maestro Guillem Pérez-Quer, where she has won a Ferrer-Salat Scholarship to study the 2022-23 and 2023- 24. He has participated in numerous international courses in which he has received classes from Ricardo Gallén, Zoran Dukic, Àlex Garrobé, among others. Highlights include the III Ferran Sor International Guitar Festival (2021), where she was awarded the 2nd prize in the competition. He has also won 3rd prize at the 6th Gandia Guitar Competition (2021) and 1st prize with Duo Atzavara (duo with flutist Gemma Vigo) at the 6th Rookie Chamber Music Competition 2022. Berta Permanyer, born in Sentmenat, begins guitar studies at the age of eight. Immersed in the passion for her instrument, she begins her higher studies at the Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatory in Valencia, alongside the guitarist Rubén Parejo. From a young age she has participated in numerous guitar courses, receiving masterclasses from great masters such as David Russell, Pedro Mateo, Marco Tamayo and Rodrigo Neftalí, among others. LIn 2020 she was awarded the 3rd prize of the 5th Gandia Guitar Competition. He is currently finishing his studies at the Liceu Superior Conservatory, with teacher Guillem Pérez-Quer.