Patricia Garcia - Flamenco and Copla

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Patricia Garcia claims copla as music that unites an entire country from left to right and from north to south. A modern look at a genre that awakens something in our hearts that we didn't remember was there.

The copla permeated all Spanish-speaking music from flamenco to bolero, and yet it has come down to us with an undeserved stigma of being old-fashioned and often associated with nationalism.

 In this show, Patricia García brings together those verses she heard since she was little and gives them a modern interpretation, always inspired by great performers such as Concha Piquer, Lola Flores, Carlos Cano or Martirio.

On guitar, Javier Moreno will add a flamenco touch and modern harmonies with hints of bolero and jazz. Showing a special connection on stage, the duo will thrill lovers of copla, flamenco and bolero.